ECCC Info Day on the six currently open Digital Europe Cybersecurity tenders
This event serves as a platform for disseminating important information on the latest calls for proposals and provides networking opportunities for the European cybersecurity community.
Further information and registration:
09:30 Registration
10:00 Welcome and opening remarks by ECCC and the European Commission
10:30 Digital Europe Programme (DEP): Open calls and Q&A – ECCC
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 The validation procedure by the Central Validation Service
12:05 How to write a project proposal: Tips & tricks and Q&A – ECCC
12:25 Experience with running a DEP project – Project coordinators of ongoing DEP projects
13:00 Lunch and one2one meeting opportunities
14:00 Pitching of ideas of proposals to the open call
15:00 National Coordination Centres in focus
15:30 Upcoming events
15:45 Networking coffee