The aim of the National Coordination Center (NCC-DE) for cybersecurity is to provide a national information platform for all interested parties and to promote networking within the German cybersecurity community. The NCC-DE offers initial advice for projects in Germany that deal with cyber security and research with a European dimension. This is intended to create prospects for the use of EU-wide funding opportunities in Germany. German research interests can be specifically placed in the EU via the NCC-DE.
The National Coordination Center for Germany
The German National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity in Industry, Technology and Research (NCC-DE) is a joint virtual institution of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) as well as other institutions (Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) and the Research Institute CODE of the Bundeswehr University Munich (RI CODE). As the federal cyber security authority, the BSI acts as the head office and single point of contact (SPoC) and was officially notified as such to the EU Commission by State Secretary Dr. Richter of the Federal Ministry of the Interior on 10.12.2021. Structures already established in the ministries and institutions, for example for the allocation of funding or national contact points for advice, will be used directly.
The aim of the NCC-DE is to provide a national information platform for all interested parties, to promote networking within the German cyber security community, to offer initial advice on cyber security research and development topics, including projects with a European perspective, and to find and promote synergies in Germany in order to be able to place German interests in EU research programs in a more targeted manner.
If you have any further questions or need information, the NCC-DE head office at the BSI can be contacted at nkcs@bsi.bund.de. We look forward to the exchange!